Flower meadow pilot areas
An important part of the “BiodiverseTori Municipality” project has been the establishment of flower meadows in the centres of Sauga, Are, Tori and Jõesuu together with the community, and the creation of a species-rich recreation area on the Sindi riverside. Flower meadows were created in different areas of the municipality to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity among as many people as possible. The aim of the flower meadows is not just to provide a scenic attraction, but also to show local people the need for, and the beauty and potential of, naturally species-rich communities. The creation of flower meadows will reduce the areas in our municipality that have become species-poor as a result of intensive mowing, provide an opportunity for species richness (for example, allowing plants that cannot tolerate low mowing to thrive) and allow plants to flower and seeds to mature.
The abundance of flowering plants contributes to the abundance of pollinators that are important in the natural food chain. It also allows nature to regenerate itself. For each flower meadow we plant, we will leave one unmowed patch of lawn so that we can compare their development and evolution.
In the selection of flower meadow locations, it was important to consider pollinator safety, so a safe buffer zone for insects must be left between the meadow and the driveway. As the soil of the chosen site is sown with a seed mixture suited to the site, each flower meadow must have a different appearance and long-term floral development. Plants sown there will flower at different times, providing a steady food supply for pollinators. In order to avoid genetic contamination, the flower meadows are planted with seeds harvested from the wild in Estonia.
In total, the project will create around 1000 m² of flower meadows. All the areas have been planned so that they can be viewed from all sides.
Billboards with information about the project and the flower meadows will be installed at each site.
Enjoy your time and togetherness with nature at Tori’s wildflower meadows.
Tori’s 270 m² flower meadow is in the grass field opposite Tori Church and shop. The meadow was created on 23 April 2023 and there are
seeds of 34 plant species sown there. Next to the ever-increasing asphalted areas in the centre of Tori, the species-rich flower meadow provides an opportunity to bring a little balance and naturalness.
Sauga’s approximately 200 m² flower meadow is located along Jänesselja Street, in the green area near the Sauga Youth Centre and Sauga Coop. The location was chosen to provide a balance to the nearby asphalted car parks, which in the summer become dangerous heat islands.
The Sauga flower meadow was created on 29 April 2023 and there are
seeds of 24 plant species sown there.
Approximately a 250 m² flower meadow is on the Are recreation centre site. The meadow was created on 30 April 2023 and there are seeds of 34 plant species sown there.
It provides an opportunity to create a reference moment for the community and to introduce people to a more nature-friendly alternative to mowing. The establishment of a meadow close to an actively used leisure centre will allow the community to participate in the creation and development of the meadow. It will also be a peaceful place, favourable to insects, butterflies, birds, etc.
A 300 m² species-rich flower meadow is planted in the green area opposite the Jõesuu shop. The meadow was created on 22 April 2023 and there are
seeds of 36 plant species sown there. There are many heavily mowed lawns in Jõesuu, and the creation of the pilot area will provide the community with an alternative to the colourful floral displays that lawns certainly do not offer. Raising awareness of the impacts of mowing and the potential for more vibrant public landscaping will provide an opportunity to adjust plans for mowed areas.
Sindi’s approximately 1,300 m² flower meadow is next to the Linnuriigi residential quarter, on the green area at the beginning of Kuldnoka, Tihase, Lõokese and Leevikese streets. A wildflower meadow gives in an area with little high greenery and dense population, opportunity to show nature’s beauty.
The meadow was created on the 3 May 2023.
Sindi riverside recreation area
The lively Sindi riverside recreation area has been created to provide an opportunity to enjoy nature and be with family and friends in the greenery of a historic industrial town.
In place of the former dull and empty gravel-covered square, a lush, biodiverse recreation area has been created, with landscaping that is indigenous to Estonia, in harmony with nature, and appropriate to the location.
As you walk around, you’ll find flower meadows with native plants and native trees and shrubs. Nature friendly grass gravel is used as a road surface to keep things green, and a lit footpath adorns the river side of the recreation area.
The project was born in cooperation with:
The project “Creation of pilot areas for nature-based solutions to increase biodiversity in the municipality of Tori” (in short “Biodiverse Municipality of Tori”) is supported by the Environmental Investment Centre through the Climate Change Adaptation Measure. The support is funded by the European Economic Area.